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Cosmetic Laser

Vascular Solutions -  - Vein Specialist

Vascular Solutions

Vein Specialists located in Charlotte, NC

Did you know that you can quickly and easily get rid of your unattractive spider veins with a quick, noninvasive laser procedure that doesn’t require downtime? Peter Ford, MD, FACS, RPVI, and the team at Vascular Solutions in Charlotte, North Carolina, use the Cynosure Icon™ Aesthetic System to permanently eliminate spider veins in one to four short sessions. To learn if you’re a candidate for cosmetic laser vein treatment, call the office or request an appointment online today.

Cosmetic Laser Q & A

What is cosmetic laser vein treatment?

Cosmetic laser vein treatment refers to a noninvasive treatment to eliminate spider veins and reticular veins, the small visible veins close to the surface of your skin. To give you the best results, the Vascular Solutions team uses one of the most advanced lasers: the Cynosure Icon Aesthetic System and its 1064 laser handpiece.

How does the Icon laser eliminate leg veins?

The therapeutic effect produced by a laser depends on qualities such as the wavelength. The Icon 1064 operates at a wavelength that’s absorbed by the red and blue pigments in your visible veins.

When your Vascular Solutions provider places the laser against your skin and sends out a pulse of laser energy, it’s absorbed by the veins without harming the surrounding skin or tissues. The heat from the laser destroys the veins, and your body gradually eliminates them.

What should I expect during my cosmetic laser vein treatment?

You simply relax on the treatment table while your Vascular Solutions provider uses the laser to treat your vessels. Most patients tolerate the procedure well. 

However, they describe the sensation during each laser pulse in different ways. Some say it tingles, others report that it’s slightly uncomfortable, and then some describe it as feeling like the snap of a rubber band.

If your skin is sensitive, we can apply a numbing gel before your treatment. But one treatment for spider veins is so short that most people can manage without the anesthetic. One session lasts about 30 minutes, depending on the extent of the veins you want to have treated.

Do I need to take downtime?

Most patients don’t need downtime; they can return to their regular daily schedule as soon as their session is finished. However, you should avoid strenuous exercise for about one week. You’ll also need to wear compression stockings for 3-7 days.

After laser treatment, your skin is more sensitive to the sun. Your Vascular Solutions provider recommends that you avoid sun exposure while you heal and wear an SPF-30 or higher sunscreen for at least 4-8 weeks.

When will I see results?

It takes time for the veins to finish breaking down and for your body to clear away the cellular debris. You may see immediate improvement, but optimal results appear in 4-8 weeks.

The number of treatments you may need depends on the extent of your veins. A small area with scattered spider veins may only need one treatment. If your veins are extensive, you may need 3-4 treatments. 

If you’re ready to get rid of unsightly spider veins, call Vascular Solutions or request an appointment online today.

*Individual results may vary.


  • Complete Skin Revitalization
    with Icon®

    The team at Vascular Solutions in Charlotte, North Carolina, use the Cynosure Icon™ Aesthetic System to permanently eliminate spider veins in one to four short sessions.

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